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My Classmate Mary Mary is one of my ClASSmates. we are good friends. She is a little bit special英语口语ppt,for it is hard to find a girl so fat in her teens. Someone says英语口语ppt, “She seems like a big snow ball with two smiling tiny eyes which can speak. ”


Mary is kind and warm-hearted. When somebody in ClASS falls ill,she goes to attend to him or her. When John has troubles in his studies, Mary always helps him with his lessons. As I am not able to knit a sweater, she lends me hand in doing so. When ClASSes are over,she is always the first to clean the blackboard. When an old teacher has difficulty in walking upstairs英语自我介绍ppt模板(用英语介绍同学的作文五句左右),she goes over to support him or her. In a word英语口语ppt, whenever she is in need, she never stand by with arms folded. Although she is so fat, she is quite quick in action and full of energy. You can often see her on the playground,either playing basketball or volleyball. Sometimes英语口语ppt, I make fun of her by saying, “You'd better play football as a doorkeeper.”

She just tolerantly laughed. It is something that I admire her because she is never in the mood of self-humiliation forher fatness. An old saying goes that “being lovely makes a person pretty”

. I think that it is true of Mary since she is the case in point.

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